Please refer to the help article How to create your own exercise: Step 1 - Setting it up before following the steps below.
Once you have completed setting up the title, tags, and visibility of your exercise, you will be brought to this page:
Your exercise can be made up of any combination of text, images, and video.
Using the text editor, you can write exercise instructions or copy and paste them from an existing document. Use the styling features, such as bolding text or adding bullet points, as you would in a word document:
Add a link, such as to your website or reference by clicking on the 'Link' icon:
Add images by clicking on the 'Image' icon. You can upload a jpeg, gif, or png file type. There is no size restriction.
Embed a video from YouTube or Vimeo by clicking on the 'Video' icon:
Upload a video from your device by clicking on 'Browse' and selecting the video. Then click the Upload button:
Please note, each exercise video that you upload can be up to 400MB in size.
Once you have uploaded your video, click Save Exercise:
You can come back and edit your exercise at any time. If you want to remove the exercise altogether, click the 'Delete' button. Once an exercise has been prescribed to a patient it can no longer be deleted.