By default, when adding an exercise to a program, you specify the Daily frequency and which Days of the week the exercise needs to be performed. This will determine when the exercise will show up on the patient dashboard and will instruct Embodia on when to send push notification reminder to the patient to perform the exercise.
If you'd rather not specify those parameters, you can create a free style program. As long as it is active, the free style program will show up on the patient dashboard. They can go into it to view the list of exercises. With free style programs:
- Embodia does not send push notification reminders as it is not possible to infer when to send those;
- Compliance tracking on the program is disabled.
Enabling free style programs
To be able to prescribe free style programs, you first need to enable them on your account. To do so, click on your avatar (initials or photo in the top right corner) and then on My settings.
Check the Enable free style programs and then click on Update my settings.
Prescribing a free style program
Once enabled, you can add exercises to the program as you would when prescribing a regular program. When specifying instructions for the exercises, you will still be asked to enter the Daily frequency and Days, however, those will be disregarded if you create a free style program:
Once all instructions have been set, click on Send to patient. In the popup form, check the Make the program free style.