Please note that you can only reply to patient notes if you have the messaging feature enabled. Refer to the Enabling two-way messaging and patient notes on exercise programs article to learn how to enable messaging for your account.
On Embodia, patients can add notes/comments on exercises when they mark them as completed. To reply to a certain note, visit the patient profile Programs tab (#1 in the image below) and click on the hyperlinked program title (#2 in the image below).
In the program, scroll down to the bottom and you will see Patient Notes (#1 in the image below), click on the arrow icon (#2 in the image below) to reply to the patient notes.
Here you can choose to send your reply as part of a New conversation or an Existing conversation (if one exists).
For a New conversation, fill in the Subject and Message and click Send.
If you are replying to an Existing conversation, choose the Conversation from the drop-down menu, fill in your Message, and click Send.
On the conversation page, the reply will be indicated by the Replying to: notice.