You can add your professional license registration number to a patient invoice.
To add your professional licenses, click on your avatar (initials or photo in the top right corner) > My info > My professional licenses:
On the professional licenses page, click on Add license and fill in the form with your registration number.
You can add multiple licenses and restrict them to certain services. For example, if you have both a professional physiotherapy license and a professional naturopathy license, first add the professional physiotherapy license and keep the Services field blank (this will be your default license on Embodia). Then you can add your naturopathy license and restrict this license to all naturopathy services for your clinic.
While you can specify your default designation under your profile as outlined in changing my information on my Embodia account, you can also specify different designations for certain services so that the appropriate one will show up on your invoices.
When generating a patient invoice, if the service for the invoice corresponds to a naturopath service, your naturopathy license number and designation will appear on the invoice. For all other services that do not match the naturopathy services, your default (in this example physiotherapy) license and designation will be shown on the patient invoice.