If you frequently use the same collection of chart items in your patient charts, you can group them together under a Template, and select it when creating a new chart to automatically include all its items in the chart.
You can also use Embodia's pre-built charting templates as outlined in the help article, Using pre-built charting templates.
Creating your private templates
Let's start by going over how to create your private template. A private template will only be available to you. It won't be accessible to anyone else, even your colleagues.
To create a chart item, click on Charting settings under Charting in the top bar, and then on the Templates tab:
On the Templates page, click on New template.
Creating templates for your clinic
If you're the clinic manager and would like to create templates that can be accessed by anyone who is part of your clinic, click on Charting settings > For the clinic account under Charting in the top bar, and then on the Templates tab:
On the Templates page, click on New template.
Building the template
After clicking on New chart item, fill out the form with the name of the template and click on Submit. In the template page, click on Add a chart item and then select which chart item you would like to add to the template.