The patient will be notified by email when one of the following actions occurs on their account:
- A new exercise program is prescribed (but not if new exercises are added to an existing program);
- When a new education is shared;
- 15 minutes after a questionnaire is shared (we wait 15 minutes to send the notification so that if multiple questionnaires are being shared, only one notification is sent);
- When their practitioner messages them through Embodia with the two-way messaging feature;
- Consult notifications (when a consult is scheduled, updated, or canceled; a reminder 24 hours and a couple of hours before the consult);
- Notifications regarding payments (such as patient invoices and packages).
We recommend that practitioners attempt to familiarize themselves with the patient experience and add themselves as a patient on Embodia (more info in this help article) so that they may receive the email notifications themselves.
To view which emails Embodia sends to a patient on your behalf, from the patient profile, go to Communication > Email: