Getting Started
- Video tutorial: Welcome to HEP on Embodia
- Legal: Business Associate Agreement
- Adding patients
- When do patients get email notifications?
- Customizing the emails sent to patients
- Importing patients
The Exercise Library and Prescribing Exercises
- Navigating the exercise library
- Quicker searching of the exercise library
- Prescribing exercises
- Setting exercise instructions
- Changing exercise notification times
- Printing exercises
The Patient Education Library and Sharing Education
The Patient Profile
- Viewing my patient list and patient profile
- Navigating the patient profile
- Viewing the programs prescribed to a patient
- Viewing the education shared with a patient
- Editing patient info and resending the welcome email
- Archiving patients
How to Create Your Own Exercises and Education
- Creating exercise or education templates
- Setting default exercise instructions
- How to create print-friendly instructions for exercises you create
- How to create your own exercise: Step 1 - Setting it up
- How to create your own exercise: Step 2 - Adding content
- Changing the author of an exercise
Two-Way Messaging and Patient Notes on Exercise Programs
- Enabling two-way messaging and patient notes on exercise programs
- Two way messaging on the web app
- Replying to patient notes on exercise programs
- Setting up auto-reply to patient messages
- Video tutorial: Messaging on Embodia
- Two types of messaging on Embodia