You can personalize your account to find what you are looking for faster and more efficiently. Use the sub-tabs in your exercise library to do so.
Above the list of exercises, there are several tabs as shown in the image above. Each tab (1-6) is outlined below:
- All: All exercises available to you.
- Starred: All exercises that you have starred. More on this below.
- My Exercises: All exercises that you have uploaded.
- My Clinic's: If you are connected to a clinic, you will see all exercises uploaded and made available by your colleagues in the clinic.
- My Courses: All exercises you were granted access to by joining a course or resource package on Embodia Academy.
- For <Patient>: All exercises that you have uploaded and made private to the currently selected patient. This tab will only show up if you have a patient selected. In the image above, you can see from the top left corner that Doe, Joe is selected as the patient (#7 in the image above). You can view the selected patient's profile or change your patient by clicking on View profile or Change patient from the top right corner (#8 in the image above).
Starring (Favoriting) an Exercise:
You can add a star next to any exercise you frequently use. This then saves the exercise into the Starred section as shown above. Think of it like your favorites library.
You can star an exercise by clicking on the star icon next to the exercise: