The actions described in this lesson require a Manager permission on your clinic.
In this help article, we went through how to add the services that your clinic offers. When managing those services, you have the option to mark services as "Available in online booking". Doing so will make the services visible in the online booking portal.
On your services page, services available in online booking will include an Online booking badge next to them. By default, those services are available to any practitioner in your clinic, i.e., clients who choose this service can book with any practitioner in your clinic as long as the appointment time fits in their schedule.
To restrict which practitioners clients can choose when looking for an appointment under this service, click on the Edit link and enter the practitioners that should be included in this service. For example, in the example above, this service is for physiotherapy, so restricting this service to your physiotherapist will prevent your clients from booking this service with one of your massage therapists.