To set your schedule availability, click on My availabilities under Consults > My Schedule in the top bar:
To add to your schedule, click on Add to my schedule and fill out the form:
The form accepts the following information:
- Start date: The date from which the criteria that you provide in the form should be applied to your schedule.
- End date: The date after which the criteria that you provide in the form should no longer be applied to your schedule.
- Days: The days of the week when the availability should be applied to your schedule.
- From: The start hour and minute.
- To: The end hour and minute.
- How far in advance can the consult be booked?: The earliest a client can book an appointment. In the screenshot above, the client will not be able to book an appointment under this availability if the appointment is further than a month from now.
- What is the deadline to book the consult?: The latest a client can book an appointment. In the screenshot above, the client will not be able to book an appointment under this availability if the appointment is less than 6 hours from now.
- You can also restrict which services can be booked under this availability.
- You can also limit the number of consults that can be booked during that availability. This number only takes into account the consults with the bookable services. For example, if the availability is restricted to an "Assessment" service, and you set the limit to 2, Embodia will still allow patients to book an "Assessment" during this availability even if there are 3 other consults whose service is not "Assessment".
- You can also exclude certain days or date range from the schedule availability.
Note: You can use your availability to create breaks in your schedule. If for example, you would like a daily lunch break between 12-1 pm, set up two scheduled availabilities, for example, 8 am-12 pm and 1 pm-4 pm. This way, if on any day you would like to open your schedule during the scheduled lunch, you can easily add a 3rd availability for that day from 12 pm-1 pm.