Scoping to a clinic is simply another way to say navigating/connecting to a clinic you are a part of on Embodia. Let's start by discussing what Clinic Scoping does.
If you are not scoped to a clinic:
- All your patients will be listed in the My Patients tab, no matter which clinic they were added to (we will go over adding patients to specific clinics in the next lesson);
- If you and your colleague share a patient within a clinic, you will not be able to view the programs prescribed to the patient by your colleague;
- If resources (such as exercises and education) uploaded by your colleagues are set to only be accessible for the clinic, they won't show up when you search for them.
If you are scoped to a clinic:
- Only the patients added to the currently scoped clinic will be listed in the My Patients tab;
- You will be able to view programs shared by your colleague with a patient you share within the clinic;
- Resources (such as exercises and education) that were uploaded by your colleagues and set to only be accessible for the clinic will show up when you search for them.
To scope to a clinic, click on the Clinic Scoping icon in the top bar and select which clinic you want to scope to:
Setting a default clinic
You can set a default clinic that you are automatically scoped to when you log into your account. To do so, click on your avatar (initials or photo in the top right corner) (#1 in the image below), then click on My settings (#2 in the image below) from the dropdown menu, and choose a Default Clinic (#3 in the image below).