You can enable or disable various settings on your Embodia account according to your preference. These can be found under My settings. To find your settings, click on your avatar/initials in the top right corner > My settings.
In My settings, you will see the following categories, which are outlined below in greater detail:
- Academy
- License on certificate
- Preferred CEU jurisdiction
- Home exercise programs
- Default clinic
- Enable free style programs
- Messaging
- Enable messaging with my patients
- Allow patient to attach notes when completing an exercise
- Nerdiness
- Show me an interesting fact when I log in to my account
- Enable quick actions
- Notifications
- Send me notifications of new messages from my patients
- Notify me of patients' programs expiring in 2 days
- Send me a notification if my patients add new notes to their programs
- Send me a notification if my patients add entries to their progress diary
- Send me weekly summary of the progress of my active courses
- Questionnaires
- Include unselected answers to single answer/multiple answers questions in the questionnaire response summary
- Include unselected answers to single answer/multiple answers questions in the questionnaire response summary
- Privacy and security
- Show patient names in the browser tab
- Include patient names in email notifications sent to me when they book or cancel a consult
- Timeout settings
- Change your default timeout settings for your account (i.e., after what duration of inactivity you will be logged out).
After making changes to any desired settings, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Update my settings to save your preferred settings.
Choose which license to display on the certificate and your preferred CEU jurisdiction.
You can learn more about displaying the license on your certificate in the help article, Adding my license/registration number to course certificates on Embodia, and about preferred CEU jurisdiction in the help article, Add CEUs to my course certificates.
Home exercise programs
Choose your default clinic and choose to enable or disable free-style programs.
You can learn more about choosing your default clinic in the help article, Scoping to a clinic, and about free style programs in the help article, Free style programs.
Choose if you would like to enable two-way messaging with your patients, and/or/ allowing patients to attach notes when completing an exercise.
Learn more about enabling messaging with your patients and attaching notes when completing an exercise in the help article, Enabling two-way messaging and patient notes on exercise programs.
If you are feeling especially nerdy, you can enable Embodia to show you an interesting fact when you log into your account. You can also enable quick actions.
Choose to be notified of new messages sent via two-way messaging from your patients; to be notified of patients' home exercise programs expiring in 2 days; to be notified if your patients add new notes to their home exercise programs; and choose to receive weekly summaries of your progress on your active courses.
Learn more about all these notifications in the help article, Notification settings on my practitioner account.
Choose to include unselected answers to single answer/multiple answers questions in the questionnaire response summary.
Privacy and security
In this section, you can choose to show the patient's name in the browser tab.
Suppose you like to open multiple patient profiles simultaneously in multiple browser tabs. In that case, it might be a bit challenging to know which tab corresponds to which patient profile without having to switch to said tab. Embodia enables you to add the patient's name to the tab.
You can also choose to include patient names in the subject of email notifications sent to you when they book or cancel a consult with you.
You can also update the timeout delay. By default, your session on Embodia times out after 60 minutes of inactivity. You can change the timeout delay by entering the desired time in minutes in the Timeout delay box.