You can quickly and easily edit the name or email address on your Embodia account by following these steps:
- Log in to your Embodia account
- Click on your avatar (initials or photo in the top right corner) and select My info:
- Update your email, first name, and/or last name on this page. Then click Update my profile:
Note: If you are trying to update your email address and you are getting an error that the email is already taken, it means that you have a second account on Embodia associated with this email address. Please refer to this article for further information.
Where is your name displayed on Embodia?
The name on your account is used as the name on all course certificates. Here's a sample of a course certificate with a red arrow indicating where your name will be displayed:
If you are using Embodia's Tier 2 or 3 Membership, your name may also be used on email notifications to your patients (such as new program notifications or appointment reminders).